Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Are you all into BNRs? I just recently discovered that "BNR" means "Buy and Replace" - which means that if you buy from someone on The List, your name replaces theirs on the list, thus hopefully prompting people to buy something from you, so their name replaces yours... and so on, and so on!

Anyway, our newest Sneaker, JavaJessPublishing, has coordinated the first-ever (as far as I know) Sneaky Cheap BNR... come by and check it out! Many of the people on The List are having sales and specials and stuff; it seems like it's going to be a lot of fun!


  1. Drop in--there are tons of great deals!

  2. i'm having so much fun with this! and i love all the sales!

  3. So glad I saw your post - I wouldn't have known about this, yeah!!


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