Friday, September 25, 2009

Think pink.

I didn't want to distract anyone from the Sneakerversary, but now that the main party is done, I have to tell you... I was really pleased with my photos of my Mammogram Mohair Scarf (previously mentioned in this post and then this one). It's done, and it is kind of fabulous. I just found out that this photo might be in the (Sunday!) October 4 paper! It's true - as part of a story about the Hoosier Artisan Holiday Boutique! By the way, yes, when you come see me on the 17th, I will be wearing my new Buy Handmade t-shirt!

Don't go tellin' my momma, now, or my aunt - I want them to read about 50% of the scarf's proceeds being donated to Aunt Eldena's American Cancer Society Relay For Life team when I send them the page out of the newspaper! Hee hee!

Edited to add: turns out the photo was not used, but the scarf was mentioned -although I was not the person credited with knitting the scarf. At least the details of the Hoosier Artisan Holiday Boutique were correct!


  1. That is a great photo! Congrats on being in the paper :)

  2. wow
    that is amazing! the scarf and photo of the scarf are so great! and congrats on the article in the paper!

  3. The scarf is lovely. Your family will be so proud! Congratulations!


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