Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Handmade Promenade opens tomorrow!

I dropped off a big bag of my handspun yarns last night (sneak peek below)!  The colorways are named after Indianapolis neighborhoods, famous Hoosiers, and some of my favorite Indiana places.  I'm so excited about this experience that I call that pink one "Promenade!"

It was already dark outside when we got there, and let me tell you, the twinkly lights beckoned.  Martha and helpers were working hard setting up, and I had to resist making eye contact with soooo many of the delightful handmade products already on display; must wait until Wednesday when this holiday pop-up shop pops up!  People have asked me where to park when they come to visit Handmade Promenade; it's easy: park like you're going to 45 Degrees (it's just south of 45, on College Ave.), Yogulatte, or the Fringe Theatre building.  Look for these gorgeous white "SHOP LOCAL" letters in the window. 


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